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The Graduate Program in Automation and Systems Engineering aims to propose and develop methods, tools and techniques for modeling, synthesis and analysis of automated systems found in a range of applications with strong support from information technologies.

The alumni from the Graduate Program will be empowered to work as professionals, professors and researchers with strong abilities for innovation, for creation of new knowledge targeted at the development of innovative solutions to automation problems, for the expert application of technologies, methods and techniques in instrumentation, control, automation and information systems.

The Graduate Program in Automation and Systems Engineering takes into consideration the broad range of applications and the multidisciplinary nature of the technologies and methods for solving problems found in automation systems. The domain of application in which the faculty body and researchers of the Graduate Program are engaged include, but are not limited to:

  • Oil and Natural Gas
  • Chemical Processes
  • Electric and Electronic Systems
  • Manufacturing Systems
  • Urban Traffic Control
  • Organizational Systems
  • Robotics
  • Mechatronics
  • Steel Processes
  • Ceramics
  • Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
  • Information and Communication Systems
  • Education in Control and Automation

The Graduate Program aims to generate knowledge about and solutions for challenging problems. The faculty and students are already addressing future challenges, including: Biotechnological Systems, Micro and Nanosystems, Energy Systems, Embedded Systems, Mobile Robotics, Aerospace Applications, and Automotive Systems.

Because of its broad and multidisciplinary nature, the Graduate Program on Automation and Systems Engineering attracts students with Engineering background in Control and Automation, Electrical, Mechanical, and Chemical and also students with degrees in Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics, among other fields.



  1. Consolidate, at national and international level, the performance of PPGEAS / UFSC as a program of excellence in the area of ​​Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, strengthening its pioneering, collaborative and multidisciplinary character.
  2. Maintain and improve quality and rigor in technical-scientific production and professional training, including cooperation with national and international research groups.
  3. Disseminate the knowledge generated by the program through publications of books, articles in periodicals of recognized quality, and by encouraging the participation of professors and students in scientific conferences of high technical-scientific prestige.
  4. Preserve and improve the good interpersonal relationships of program participants, prioritizing the reception and integration of teachers and students in administrative decisions.
  5. Cultivate a multidisciplinary spirit, respecting the heterogeneity of individual interests in research topics.
  6. Deepen cooperation with the productive sector and with society in general, fulfilling the mission of maintaining PPGEAS / UFSC as a contributor to the social and economic development of Brazilian and international societies.
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